Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Emaricdulfe sonnet XXIIII

OFt haue I heard hony-tong'd Ladies speake,
      Striuing their amerous courtiers to inchant,
And from their nectar lips such sweet words breake,
      As neither art nor heauenly skill did want.
But when Emaricdulf gins to discourse,
      Her words are more then wel-tun'd harmonie,
And euery sentence of a greater force
      Then Mermaids song, or Syrens sorcerie:
And if to heare her speake, Laertes heire
      The wise Vlisses liu'd vs now among,
From her sweet words he could not stop his eare,
      As from the Syrens and the Mermaids song:
And had she in the Syrens place but stood,
Her heauenly voyce had drown'd him in the flood.


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